Hello World

Posted on 27 March 2013
Under notes

Hello people! After a week of hard work, I finally finished making this site from scratch. It’s not much, but it’s a start!

I plan to shift this to my own domain sometime, when I have the money. I decided to build this site mostly to try out GitHub. I still haven’t figured it out completely yet, and got stuck more often than I’d like to admit, but yeah, I finally made it! My first repo on GitHub. Open source, here I come! Anyway, on this blog, I shall keep you updated on what I am working on, and my thoughts on them. Also, I might make tutorials in case I learn something worth sharing.

For those who are interested, this site is served through the amazing Jekyll platform. I’m also going to try and enable comments on this blog. For now, just contact me like I mentioned below.

Until next time!
